Saturday, March 19, 2016

5-Step Stupid Simple Daily Routine to More MLM Leads and Sales on Facebook

Yesterday, my colleague, Antonio Thompson was a guest trainer on a webinar where he shared his 5 Step Stupid Daily Routine to More MLM Leads and Sales on Facebook.  Check him out on Facebook.  He's a ROCK Star in the home business arena. 

Have you been attempting to grow your network marketing business on social media, particularly Facebook, but not getting the results you desire?  You've been following the advice of your upline sponsor or watching what everyone else in your company is doing - posting before and after pictures, product pictures and links to your business opportunity video or capture page, but not seeing MLM Leads or sales coming in.

You know, you're not alone.  I was there once, almost a year ago - posting product pictures and my link all over Facebook hoping and waiting for the flood gates of free network marketing leads to come in.  Guess what?  They never came!

I got discouraged and was on the verge of quitting.  Then I discovered a system called My Lead System Pro and it changed everything for me.

You see, there were people having success on Facebook and online to the tune of 6 and 7 figures, and the strategies they were using did not include any of the strategies I mentioned above.  In fact, they were just being normal.

Imagine that "being normal and social" online can actually help you attract free work from home leads.  Below are some of my daily practices in my business to get free MLM Leads on Facebook.
By the way, here's a FREE 10 Page Report to Get Started With Facebook Marketing. CLICK HERE

1. Share Value Based Blog Posts and Videos

Each day I start by writing a value-based post and shooting a video around the same topic.  If you're not blogging or doing a video and providing value to your niche, you need to start doing so NOW.  It is the only way for you to build your brand, authority and expertise in your niche.

When I'm writing my blog post, I'll post it to my fan page, personal page and several other groups in the morning.  And I will schedule my video to be published int he afternoon and then share that video across the same group.  This approach has generated several free MLM Leads because of the "Call To Action" I include in my video and post.

2. It's Somebody's Birthday!

One of the easiest ways I've found to reconnect with old friends and find out what's going on is through Birthdays.  Every day someone is having a birthday.  This is a great opportunity for you to stand out from everyone else.  Most people will simply post on their wall and say Happy Birthday.  Not me.  I send each person a private message saying Happy Birthday and asking a question.  Youw question can be as simple as, "Doing anything special to celebrate?"

Your goal is not to pitch people or sell them out of the fate on social media.  You want to get to know them and build a relationship, and if the conversation leads down a path where it's appropriate for you to share you business opportunity, then that's what you are looking for.  If the door doesn't open, don't pitch them!  I've generated a lot of free MLM Leads this way.

3. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are a great source of fre leads.  A good majority of groups that are  network marketing and MLM Focused ar a real "spam fest" but this presents a huge opportunity if you're providing helpful information.

What I've found that works really well is introductions.  Most people join Facebook groups and NO ONE, except me welcomes them into the group.  I basically send them a private message saying, "Hey, Welcome to the group.  Glad you're here.  Would love to connect.  Add me as a friend!" Simple!

4. Friend Requests

If you're like me, you probably get a lot of friend requests daily.  Often times, it's other network marketers pitching me about their opportunity.  Remember the goal with social media is to be SOCIAL!  What I do to generate more FREE MLM Leads is to ignore their initial pitchy message and just say "Hi, great to meet you.  How are you?" Start a real conversation. You already know they are trying to build their business and you also know that they aren't very skilled or successful doing it because of the approach they are using with you.

My goal is really to get to know them and share some tips and education on marketing.  This is a great opportunity for me to share some tips and offer a real solution to them - My Lead System Pro!

5. Authority Pages

The final step on how to get free MLM Leads on Facebook is through engagement on other people's Facebook page, especially leaders and authorities in your niche. 

Leaders and authorities in your industry will typically have a lot of fans who comment on their posts. Their comments reveal a lot about them.  I will "like" their comment, then leave a brief comment like, "Thanks for sharing,"  or "Good comment."  I then ask them to send me a friend request and tell them that I'd like to connect with them.

This was the article by Antonio and it's really good and practical.  A couple other tips I've learned from my friend Robert Hollis (who earns $2.5 million and uses this exact formula on Facebook) is that once a person friends you, then thank them and send them a free digital gift, like Jim Rohn Audios or Think and Grow Rich audios.  There are also a TON of free give away videos and pdf's in My Lead System Pro. When you give a new friend something of great value to help them in their business, you automatically start building credibility and they will start to follow what you're doing and snoop around your blog or Fan Page and seeing what you're up to. You're helping your new friend Know, Like and Trust you and these are the values that must be present before they will join you in any business. 

Another reason I love MLSP is that I have a time tested proven system that can literally help anyone in any business succeed.  Help them be successful and learn how to market, and there's a great chance they will join you in your primary business later down the line!

Take a free $10 test drive with MLSP and see why the top leaders like Ray Higdon rose to the top in the industry. Try it out by clicking HERE

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