Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one way to get started making money on the internet, and potentially LOTS of it.  But there is a learning curve if you want to build a business and make any money. As an affiliate, you market and sell other people's products online and receive typically 15% up to 50% commissions for your efforts. You don't have to develop any products or services of your own as an affiliate.

Affiliate products and services are all over the net, anywhere from dating services, hotels or travel, amazon and a myriad of other products and services. One of the top digital sites that offer products for you to market is ClickBank.  You can sign up for free at CLICKBANK.COM and select the types of products you would like to market.  Again, there is some skill needed to effectively market any product on-line, so don't just throw up some Pay Per Click ads and expect to rake in the cash. The challenge with these type of programs is they are a bit overwhelming and you have very little actual support to hold your hand as you try to build your business